Segregated funds

Segregated fund guarantees

Segregated funds offer significant guarantees on the amounts invested.
They apply during the client’s lifetime, at contract maturity or at death.

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What is a segregated fund guarantee?

Unlike mutual funds, segregated funds provide a significant guarantee and protect between 75% and 100% of your investments!

Why choose an investment that offers guarantees?

  • To protect your investments during financial market downturns
  • For the security of the capital as retirement approaches
  • To get peace of mind

Guarantees adapted to your needs

Each of our segregated fund series provides a guarantee specific to a type of investor. These series allow your savings to grow while providing you with protection in case of market downturns.

After determining with you the series that best meets your needs, a financial security advisor will help you select the fund categories  in which to invest to reach your savings goals.

Classic Series 75/75

For investors who are used to investing in mutual funds. No less than 75% of the amounts invested are guaranteed at maturity of your contract and in the event of death.

To optimize growth of capital

  • Make your savings grow rapidly thanks to minimum fees which are comparable to those of mutual funds
  • Diversify your investments and take advantage of the best market opportunities thanks to our vast choice of funds
  • Have peace of mind: your heirs are assured of receiving the higher amount between the market value of your investments or 75% of the deposits made

Series 75/100

For investors who want to bequeath an inheritance to their loved ones, this series offers estate protection thanks to its 100% guarantee at death and competitive management fees. The ideal solution if you are looking for peace of mind!

Combine growth and estate protection

  • Protect your deposits with a 100% guarantee in case of death and 75% at maturity of your investments
  • Benefit from the best fund lineups available, without limit
  • Crystallize the gains made on your investments once a year with annual resets
  • Protect your loved ones: Your heirs are assured of receiving the higher amount between the market value of your investments or 100% of the deposits made before age 85

Ecoflex Series 100/100

For investors who want to benefit from market upturns and protect their money 100% against market downturns.

Get complete security for your retirement savings

  • Get 100% protection for your savings in case of death
  • Secure the gains made in the event of market downturns up to 4 times per year
  • Invest fully on the markets while benefiting from the best protection for your savings: the best of both worlds!


For investors aged 50 to 75 who want a stable and guaranteed retirement income and who also want access to their investments at all times.

  1. The Savings step, which provides a guaranteed minimum income
  2. The Income step, which offers a guaranteed income until death

Benefit from a lifetime guaranteed income

  • Provides a stable and guaranteed source of income, while maintaining access to your capital.
  • Protects the estate in case of death
  • Allows your savings to grow while benefiting from protection for the future income against market downturns

Compare our guarantees

  Classic Series 75/75 Series 75/100 Ecoflex Series 100/100 FORLIFE Series
Guarantees the amounts invested at maturity of the contract 75% 75% 100% 75%
Guarantees the amounts invested in the event of death 75% 100% 100% 100%
Resets the guarantee at death No Yes Yes Yes