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What is a TFSA?

A tax-free savings account is ideal for medium- or long-term savings projects. The returns generated in the account are not taxable, even if you make a withdrawal. Additionally, your money can be accessed at any time, which makes it an excellent emergency fund.

How much can you contribute to your TFSA?

You can contribute up to the limit set for the year underway, regardless of your income. Furthermore, you may carry forward any unused contribution amounts into future years.

Contribution room for 2025: $7,000

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*Available if you have already opened an TFSA.

Tax refund:

It can pay off even more if you reinvest it!

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Four types of investment for your TFSA

Choosing iA for your TFSA is choosing the company that has been first in net segregated fund sales in Canada since 2016. Our funds are managed by top portfolio managers and follow the most innovative market trends. Different investment options are available based on your investor profile and your risk tolerance.

Segregated funds

Segregated funds are like mutual funds but offer many advantages, including guarantees that protect your investments against market downturns.

Guaranteed interest funds

Guaranteed interest funds offer a fixed interest rate that is guaranteed for the life of the investment. They guarantee 100% of your capital at maturity.

High interest savings account

Simple and accessible, the high interest savings account allows you to save risk-free based on the interest rate in force.

Daily interest funds

The interest in the Daily Interest Fund (DIF+) is earned in your investments on a daily basis and is paid monthly.

How do I open an FHSA?

I don’t have an advisor

You will need the help of an advisor to open an FHSA. Contact the advisor of your choice today.

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I have an advisor

If you already have an advisor, simply contact them to open an account. To find your financial security advisor’s contact information, visit My Client Space, consult one of your statements or contact Customer Service at 1-844-442-4636.

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