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Access Life is a no medical life insurance product designed for people looking for a quick and easy way to get life insurance, and for people who are having difficulty obtaining regular life insurance because of their health status.

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What is Access Life?

Access Life is a simplified issue life insurance product that’s easy to apply for and quick to obtain. It’s ideal for those seeking life insurance coverage without having to undergo a medical or blood test.

In addition, your acceptance is guaranteed, regardless of your health status. No one is turned down!

How does it work?

In the event of your death, this coverage provides a lump sum tax-free payment to the beneficiaries of your choice. To join, simply complete a short questionnaire. You do not need to undergo an in-person medical examination.

Based on your answers, you’ll become eligible for the step that best matches your health status. This means that you will be entitled to a face amount of between $10,000 and $500,000 and to permanent or term coverage. It’s simple: the healthier you are, the more options you have, the lower the cost of your insurance and the more you’ll benefit!

It’s an ideal solution if you are

  • In good health and want coverage without a medical examination and without waiting
  • A person with a critical health condition who has previously been denied regular life insurance, or fears being denied
  • The parent of a child with a health condition that makes it more difficult to insure them – Access Life provides coverage for children 18 years of age and under who have a critical health condition
  • A newcomer to Canada and you face limits to the amount of standard underwriting you can receive

The benefits of Access Life

  • In some cases, you may be insured the same day you apply!
  • Approval is guaranteed regardless of your health condition.
  • There are no medical or blood tests to take.
  • Term coverage can be renewed or turned into permanent coverage, regardless of your health status.
  • The cost is fixed and guaranteed for the duration of the coverage.
  • It provides a unique solution for children whose health condition makes insuring them more difficult.

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Additional information

Age at issue: 6 months to 80 years

Access Life is an individual life insurance policy available to everyone, regardless of health status. Just answer a few medical questions. These questions are separated into three steps (Deferred, Deferred Plus and Immediate Plus) and define the insurable amounts and the type of qualifying coverage. If you do not qualify for Deferred, you will still qualify for Guaranteed Access.

Access Life offers two types of coverage: permanent and term.

V100 permanent coverage is whole life insurance (up to 100 years). It allows you to accumulate guaranteed cash values.

The T15, T20 and T25 term coverages insure you for periods of 15, 20 or 25 years respectively. They are only available for the last two steps (Deferred Plus and Immediate Plus).

Your contract may contain additional details and exclusions. These provisions prevail over all coverage mentioned on this page.