Tips for starting a new job successfully

2 min.

As the saying goes, you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Here’s a few things you can do to make sure things go well as you start your new job.

Dress professionally

Dress codes vary from company to company, so be a chameleon! When in doubt, it’s better to look too sharp than not sharp enough. You’ll make a good first impression by looking neat and professional during your first few days on the job. If you see that the company wants people to dress more casually or wear jeans on Friday, for example, you can adapt accordingly.

Learn from your surroundings

Show openness when it comes to learning and following company procedures. While you have certainly been hired for your expertise, starting a job with humility, positivity and a thirst for learning will let you connect with your new coworkers and gain insight into how things are done at the company. First, observe and analyze your new environment and its customs and trends—you’ll have plenty of opportunities to present your ideas and suggestions over time. You’ll have the advantage of bringing an interesting outside perspective, while having a good understanding of the reality of your new work team.

Make connections

Whether you like being alone or are a social butterfly, developing quality relationships with the people you work with every day is an important and valued skill in the workplace. You may find that friendships develop quickly or more slowly. Take the opportunity to contact each member of your team to introduce yourself and get to know them. Watch out for coworkers who want to fill you in on all the gossip. It’s better to be positive, diplomatic and professional—it will serve you well in the long run.

Give yourself some time

Starting a new job takes lots of energy. Even if you’ve got several years of experience, every workplace is different. It takes time to adjust, and that’s normal. Go easy on yourself and give yourself time to learn.  Manage your energy by focusing on this new challenge and keeping your personal routine stable. Were you thinking about major home renovations? It might be a good idea to wait a few weeks before getting started.

Get involved

Offer to help your new coworkers. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Step up when volunteers are needed for a new project. Going the extra mile will show that you are motivated and hard-working. Being socially involved is a great way to make contacts across the company while doing something you like. Think about joining a committee (e.g. social club, sports team or philanthropic committee).

Set clear objectives

Knowing your manager’s expectations and clearly established objectives will give you the guidance you need to perform well in your position. Ask for feedback as your training progresses and identify your strengths and weaknesses. You don’t need to wait for your official performance review—your boss or trainer will certainly appreciate your initiative in actively pursuing your professional development.

Now you have what it takes to get off to a good start at your new company!


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