Ten working conditions that will motivate you to stay

3 min.

Discover the factors that may prompt you to keep your job or to apply to another employer.

Here are some criteria to think about when accepting a new job with an employer. And if these criteria are not met, they could also push you to leave one company for another.

  1. Teamwork
    Look for a work team that motivates you, challenges you and is always looking to improve. This will also help you grow as an employee.
  2. Positive leadership
    A good manager is priceless. This criterion is essential when choosing the company where you will work. When interviewing or changing teams, be sure you get along well with your boss and keep up the relationship throughout your career. It’s clear that open lines of communication are very important, and over the long term will be a key factor to keep you in your job.
  3. Love what you do
    Feeling competent will make you feel at home at the company. Ensure that you are in a position where you are comfortable, appreciative and fulfilled in your job responsibilities. You will be spending at least 35 hours at work every week, so make sure you love what you do.
  4. Opportunities for advancement
    In line with the previous point, it’s also important to feel that you are developing within a company, to ensure that you can grow there and have interesting opportunities for advancement.
  5. Employee benefits
    Pension plan, bonus program or group insurance—these significant benefits are all factors to consider when choosing a company.
  6. Occupational health
    A company that cares about its employees’ well-being is a company that will ensure you are well at work, and that will also be able to retain its employees over the long term.
  7. Flexible scheduling
    Having a schedule that suites your lifestyle is very important, and the resulting work-life balance will certainly keep you in your position.
  8. Location of the company
    It’s important to choose a job that’s not unreasonably far from your home as you’ll end up spending less time in traffic every day. This will lead to better life balance, and over the long term will have an impact on your career.
  9. Employer’s values
    When choosing what company to work for, be sure that you can relate to the company’s values, culture and philosophy throughout your career.
  10. Senior management
    Find out about the company’s president and senior management, as they are the face of the company. Be sure you would be proud working at the company that selected them.

In short, know yourself and your actual needs and learn more about the company you hope to work for or that you work for already. Then see to it that what the company offers is in line with your needs and your reality. It’s the best way to end up with a winning combination.


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