Six tips for adapting to a new job

2 min.

Want to make a good impression and successfully integrate into your new work environment? Do everything you can by following these tips.

It goes without saying that a new job is exciting, but also stressful. Here are a few tips to help lower the pressure and make it easy to adapt to a new job.

1- Find a co-worker you can go to for help
Having someone you can go to will give you an opportunity to ask questions and can curb any insecurities you may have in your new job. You will show your curiosity and your interest to your peers while getting answers to your questions. Ask this co-worker for any information you need. This person will no doubt be pleased to help you.

2- Connect with your co-workers on LinkedIn
By connecting with your new co-workers on this social media platform, not only will you broaden your professional network, you can ask questions outside of work, thus helping you avoid being in a tough spot should you need important information for the next day at work, for example.

3- Ask the people you encounter what they do
It’s almost impossible to retain all the information given to you on your first day of work. Don’t worry. Feel free to ask people their name and role within the organization if you don’t remember. This will show your interest in your co-workers and your desire to understand the structure of your sector. You can then refer to these people as needed.

4- Tour the building
Touring the building will give you an opportunity to learn more about the environment and the organization’s history. If a guided tour is not available, as a co-worker or your supervisor to give you a tour. It’s worth it! A tour will help you find important amenities, like restrooms, coffee machines and water fountains. It will also give you the opportunity to learn where to find the different departments and pavilions you may need to visit in your work.

5- Meet with your immediate supervisor
It is critical that you and your supervisor determine your objectives and duties, and plan your work. Take this opportunity to discuss your supervisor’s expectations of you and your own expectations. Make sure to follow up in the first few weeks to make sure you’re on the right track, that you’re getting the guidance you need and that you’re living up to expectations.

6- Take your time
There’s no point in rolling ahead full speed. You will integrate naturally and gradually. It’s completely normal to not remember all the information conveyed to you on your first day. Remember that your goal is to learn the inner workings of your new workplace, understand the duties assigned to you and get to know the people around you, little by little.

These are just a few strategies that will get you on the right track when you start your new job.


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