Sean O’Brien | The master of growth

Sean joined iA Wealth in May of 2020, bringing to the firm a 25-year track record of building, leading and growing businesses.
He previously held a number of senior positions with iA Financial Group, most recently Executive Vice-President, Dealer Services and Special Risks. In this role, Sean was head of four business units: iA Dealer Services, iA Home Insurance, iA Auto Insurance, and iA Auto Finance. Before joining iA, he was Chief Operating Officer of Ontario-based CTL Corp., the largest privately-owned consumer vehicle financing company in Canada (acquired in 2015 by iA Financial Group). Prior to that, Sean spent over 15 years in progressively senior roles at TD Auto Finance, TD Financing Services and VFC Inc. Sean is a graduate of Georgian College’s Automotive Business School in Ontario. The automotive industry is therefore a field he first studied in school before broadening his expertise in various professional environments.
An accomplished manager, he has now been serving as Executive Vice-President, Group Benefits and Retirement Solutions since the end of 2022.
Sean is involved in many of iA’s flagship projects. For employees in Greater Toronto, he supervises and actively participates in the implementation of the Work From Anywhere (WFA) program, the hybrid work model offered to iA Financial Group employees. On the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion front, he sponsors the BRIDGE Network (Black Resources Increasing Diversity Gains and Engagement) employee resource group.
Finally, on the community level, Sean serves on the board of the Cancer Research Society, which, among other things, aims to beat this terrible disease by financing the best research in Canada.