Cathy Hiscott – The go-getter who cares

Cathy grew up on a hobby farm north of Toronto where hard work, kindness and inclusivity were instilled in her by her parents.
Cathy’s first career was in the car business, where she started out as a receptionist and with hard work became a manager. “During my time as a finance and insurance manager, I saw the value of life and disability insurance when my father’s lease was paid off due to a non-life-threatening stroke.” A good friend and very successful insurance agent suggested to Cathy that she become an insurance agent if she really wanted to make a difference in peoples’ lives.
After completing her own “interviews” with three different insurance companies, Cathy joined MetLife as an agent in the spring of 1991. When she and her husband Tom moved to London Ontario in 1998, she joined one of Canada’s largest insurance companies and MGAs, where she held increasingly senior roles. The mentors and advocates with whom Cathy worked taught her many leadership lessons that she has carried with her along the way.
In 2021, in the middle of a pandemic, Cathy made the difficult decision after countless conversations with the leadership at PPI and iA to step out of her comfort zone and join PPI.
Cathy became convinced it was the right move as she learned about the people-centric culture at the iA Financial Group of companies. “I’m incredibly proud of the company’s values, which are grounded in reality and lived every day.”
To unwind, Cathy takes her two dogs for a half-hour walk three times a day. “Walking jumpstarts my morning, clears my mind at lunch and helps me relax after work. I also swim quite a lot.”
Cathy’s husband is retired from the auto industry, and they enjoy spending time together with their daughter and son-in-law, who also work in insurance. But when the family gets together, there’s one rule everyone has to follow. “Sarah, Marcus and I are allowed to talk business anywhere else, but when we’re together around the kitchen table for Sunday dinners, insurance talk is out of bounds!”
Cathy loves her job. As someone of willpower and determination, she has always put everything she has into her work. “It’s a fantastic way to help people, with the added benefit of making a good living. I live by a quote from Ginger Rogers that I absolutely love: ‘I have to do everything Fred Astaire does but backwards and in high heels!’”
In her community, Cathy is also very active with Imploy, an organization that helps new immigrants find jobs when they arrive. “Our country welcomes highly qualified people, but they may not be familiar with all aspects of our culture. I encourage them to hold on to their own cultural identity while also being aware of the customs here to ensure they have access to the same opportunities. When they do find rewarding jobs, I feel so proud of them!” Reading has broadened her understanding of people’s different viewpoints. “In an age of instant, marketing-driven information, books offer much deeper insights. We often seek quick opinions on topics, but we should take the time to truly listen to what someone has to say, both personally and professionally.” Cathy takes great pride in her teams of leaders, who have steered PPI towards new achievements in recent years. “The strategic review we initiated in 2021 is beginning to show results, which is very encouraging for what lies ahead.”
Cathy is always ready to go the extra mile to support job applicants she believes in. “Mentoring is one thing, but it’s a whole different level when you’re acting as a sponsor and an advocate.” Cathy is also very active in professional organizations such as CALU (The Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting), LIMRA (Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association) and similar organizations in Ontario.