Based on your answers, we suggest savings and insurance products and tools related to your personal situation.


The iA Financial Compass is a simple and fast tool that will propose products, tools and advice based on your situation and your needs.

To learn where to start, simply answer a few of the questions below.

1/7 What is your marital status?

2/7 Are you a?

3/7 Are you parents?

4/7 What is your employment status?

5/7 What mode of transportation do you use?

6/7 What are your projects?

7/7 When it comes to your retirement, are you the ant or the grasshopper?

Your personal situation

Tools and Advices

Your needs

Tools and Advices

Your savings

Tools and Advices

This result is for information purposes only. A complete analysis by a financial advisor will help you determine your exact needs.

Email my results (PDF)
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