Tips for packing the perfect bag

2 min.

Packing a suitcase is an art. Here are a few tips to help you pack like an experienced traveller.


  • Make a list so that you don’t forget anything important, like medications, adaptors, clothing for different weather, etc.
  • If you are travelling with someone, make a shared list to make sure you pack efficiently, by sharing certain items, like a hair dryer.
  • Roll your clothes. They will be less wrinkled and will take up less space. Compression bags are also a great way to save space while protecting your clothes.
  • Place containers containing liquids in a plastic bag. This will protect your belongings in case they leak.
  • Avoid overpacking. It’s quite likely that you’ll be bringing back a few souvenirs.

Carry-on luggage:

  • Pack a few essentials on your carry-on, in case the airline loses your luggage or to avail yourself of other facilities if your hotel room isn’t ready. Make sure to pack an extra outfit, bathing suit, medication, camera, toothbrush, etc. Remember that you are limited to 100 mL containers for liquids and gels in your carry-on.
  • Bring a pen; you will need it to complete the various immigration services’ tourist cards.
  • Bring your headphones to watch the in-flight movie. Some airlines also sell headphones.
  • By keeping your car keys in your carry-on, you can avoid problems in the event your luggage is delayed.
  • Bring gum. At take-off and landing, chewing gum can help you clear your ears.

Before going to the airport

  • Identify your luggage. Make sure that your contact information at your destination is on all your bags, so that you can be located in the event you are separated from your luggage. If you have a black suitcase, it’s a good idea to attach something colourful and personalized to help you identify it at the carousel and avoid another traveller taking your suitcase.
  • Weigh your suitcase at home with a luggage scale. This will help you avoid additional fees for overweight luggage.
  • Make sure you have baggage insurance in case of loss or theft.

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