Home swimming pool: Safety first!

3 min.

Follow our tips to prevent drowning risks and enjoy safe swimming.

According to the Quebec Lifesaving Society, 2023 was a challenging year with 83 drownings.

Each person who drowns is one too many. That’s why it’s so important to recall safety rules in order to enjoy a pleasant summer with complete peace of mind.

Learn to swim like a fish

First recommendation: sign your kids up for swimming lessons early on. That way they’ll get used to the water and develop their reflexes and skills. If you’re a parent, ask your municipality for information on swim class schedules and levels. Investing a little time each week will give you great peace of mind!

Are you not comfortable in the water as an adult? You’re never too old to learn how to swim well! Classes are also available so you can get comfortable and overcome your fears.

Set clear rules when swimming

If you own a pool, take the time to explain pool rules to your children and guests. For example, no running in the pool area, no games involving holding your breath underwater and no diving. Make sure that anyone who isn’t comfortable in the water wears a life jacket.

Teaching your children about pool safety could reduce the risk of drowning and prevent an unfortunate incident.

Take a CPR course

Have you ever taken CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training or are you due for a refresher?

Contact the Canadian Red Cross to see what courses are available. You’ll learn how to handle a wide variety of situations, and how to apply this life-saving technique.

Home pool safety

Drownings often happen in private pools. To keep children from getting in the pool area, access must be restricted by a self-closing and self-latching gate that is kept closed at all times.

Don’t install a filter near the pool so children don’t climb on it to get into the pool. Flowerpots and other structures should also be kept away from your water feature.

Pool safety standards may vary from one city to another. Consult the Government of Canada website or provincial websites to find out about the safety regulations for residential pools.

Keep an eye on swimmers

According to the Lifesaving Society, nearly 85% of drowning deaths in young children are due to poor supervision. When a child is in the pool, always watch them without doing anything else. If you are a group of adults with children, take turns and make sure someone is always assigned to watch the children.

If you're spending the day at a lake, set swimming boundaries so your kids don’t swim off.

Swimming alone is not a good idea, regardless of your age. If you run into difficulties, having someone else around is really important.

A well protected pool

Don't forget to notify your insurance company if you have a pool. It might be a good idea to add coverage to your home insurance policy to cover your civil liability, your pool and pool equipment.

Closing the pool

All good things come to an end, so the time to close your pool will come at some point. Make sure you don't leave any items in the pool that might entice children to get into the water. Remember, the pool should stay off limits even when the swimming season is over.

Check out our article on closing your pool for more tips.

Have fun swimming!


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