Thanks to our vast selection of investment options, we offer simple and accessible solutions to suit all risk profiles. Members can enjoy the benefits of a well-diversified portfolio of assets with excellent growth potential.
ATTITUDE portfolios
Pre-built life cycle portfolios – among the most advanced investment solutions in Canada.
The ATTITUDE portfolios are a smart, high-performance solution managed by our team of investment specialists. They are designed to help plan members achieve financial security.
Asset allocation includes direct alternative investments, such as real estate and infrastructure, normally associated with world-class pension plans. These types of investments have historically delivered stable long-term returns while providing strong diversification to help protect against market volatility.
ATTITUDE portfolios aim to achieve optimal diversification by asset class and investment style, with the ultimate goal of helping plan members achieve long-term financial wellbeing.
Discover the ATTITUDE portfoliosBuild your own portfolio
A wide choice of funds from which to build your own customized portfolio.
Plan members have the option of building their own personalized portfolio from our comprehensive selection of investment funds.
Members may, at any time, draw on the expertise and knowledge of our investment management team as well as experienced portfolio managers.
Sustainable investment funds
An ideal solution for investing responsibly.
Investors are increasingly realizing that their financial interests and their environmental, ethical and social values go hand in hand.
That's why we have eight sustainable investment funds in our range of investment options.
These funds aim to reduce investors' carbon footprint and avoid investing in fossil fuels, without compromising performance. They also integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into their analysis in order to select the best performing companies from a sustainable development perspective.
Guaranteed retirement income
SecurOption – Lifetime retirement income, a unique solution within the industry
This investment option can be offered to employees by integrating it in a group RRSP or a DPSP.
Upon a member’s retirement, the amounts deposited into SecurOption will become a guaranteed source of regular income which will complement government benefits.
Want to know how much retirement income members can benefit from, starting at age 65, by contributing to SecurOption? See our SecurOption Annual Retirement Income Estimates document.

Guaranteed investments
A safe solution for many investors.
Guaranteed investments are available for 1- to 10-year terms. This investment option offers a stable rate of return while protecting capital. In the event of market fluctuations, the amount invested remains untouched and continues to generate interest.
Automatic rebalancing of investments
A mechanism that automatically adjusts members’ asset allocations in line with their retirement objectives.
Regardless of whether they choose a pre-built portfolio or opt to build their own, plan members can benefit from an automatic rebalancing of their investments.
This automatic mechanism periodically rebalances the member’s portfolio asset mix in line with the initial target allocation and investor profile.
So while the markets may fluctuate and affect the asset mix according to changes in returns, your plan members will be happy to count on a built-in mechanism that keeps them on course towards their retirement objectives without any extra work or worry on their part.