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Travel assistance | Your members are in good hands

News Release

Always mindful of your plan members’ wellbeing, we do our utmost to provide them with the protection and tools they need, at all times and in all places. Travel assistance is just one example. Whether people travel outside their home province for pleasure, business or adventure, this benefit provides protection and peace of mind in the event of unforeseen circumstances, medical emergencies, lost baggage or trip cancellation.

What to do before and during a trip

What do plan members need to do and verify before leaving on a trip? What steps do they need to take and who do they need to call before seeking help for an unexpected event abroad or outside their home province? Are people covered if they have an illness before departing or if their health is unstable? This short document1 contains the answers to these questions.

We strongly encourage you to pass it on to your plan members so that they may avoid any unpleasant surprises while travelling.

We invite you to remind your members of these two important tips:

  • Before leaving: Consult the details of their travel assistance benefit and verify that any illness or health condition is considered stable and is covered by their insurance policy by contacting the provider.
  • In the event of a medical emergency during the trip: Call the travel assistance provider BEFORE consulting a doctor, taking any action or making any payment. They will be able to direct members to the right resources based on the partnerships in place.

Email to send to your plan members

To provide you with all the tools you need, we have also prepared an email that we ask you to send to your members.

We support your employees at every stage of their overall wellness journey with advice and resources that best meet their needs.

1See the more detailed version.