Investing beyond returns

5 min.
Sustainable investing options grow as group retirement savings plans adopt diverse ESG strategies and active engagement.

Published on May 31, 2024

Par : Thomas Yuk
Senior Investment Strategist
Group Benefits and Retirement Solutions
iA Financial Group

Whether it’s addressing climate change, promoting fair labour practice, or supporting good governance, members want their group retirement savings plan to reflect their personal values and contribute to a better future—and fund managers are evolving alongside this trend to support that call for sustainable investment options.

We noticed a lot of members or plan sponsors are more aware of the impact their money can have and they don’t just want their investments to grow, they also want them to make a positive difference. This shift is all about aligning financial goals and the desire for a more sustainable and ethical world.”

Leveraging ESG investments in group retirement savings plans

I observe that plan sponsors aren’t just looking at financial returns anymore. They’re also increasingly incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into their financial analysis and decision-making processes. This approach helps them identify top-performing companies in terms of sustainability and manage risks more effectively.

As the world moves away from fossil fuel, for example, a company that’s investing in clean energy technology is likely more resilient in the long term and that’s something to consider when making decisions for a fund.

There are also a variety of sustainable investment strategies being adopted including ESG integration, negative and positive screening, thematic investing, and impact investing. Diverse ESG approaches allow group retirement savings plans to cater to different member values and preferences, which I also see as a growing trend among investors as a whole.

Remember: it’s not a one-size-fits-all when it comes to sustainable investing. Different group retirement and savings plans are adopting various approaches to take into account plan members’ specific concerns or goals. There’s an appetite to seek investment options that align with and reflect personal values on sustainability overall. This demand is driving fund managers to offer more responsible investment products and strategies.

I’m also seeing an increase in active engagement and ownership, as fund managers aren’t passive investors anymore—they have a seat at the table but also a voice in how things are done. This includes anything that pushes the companies they invest in to enhance their ESG practices, such as dialogue with company management on ESG issues and using proxy voting to influence corporate behaviour towards more sustainable practices.

Many fund managers are signatories to major sustainability initiatives like the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Climate Action 100+, and the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative. These commitments demonstrate their dedication to supporting global sustainability goals and improving ESG standards, showing that they’re not just talking the talk, but also walking the walk.

Embracing and integrating ESG evolution

Comprehensive evaluation ensures nothing is a façade: the monitoring team rigorously evaluates the ESG practices of fund managers through a detailed assessment process. This includes examining aspects like corporate culture, ESG resources, integration in the investment process, shareholder engagement, and continuous improvement. We conduct this evaluation to uphold and exceed our high standards.

My team oversees assets, advising plan sponsors on defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plan investment options. When plan sponsors or consultants have questions about ESG, the team addresses those as well. In light of the increased interest and importance of ESG, it has developed a new ESG scorecard to help evaluate different asset managers and assess how they measure on ESG. These scorecards would look at the factors we talked about above, and add to our already robust due diligence process.

Lastly, our team of specialists look at our fund managers on our group savings and retirement funds platform to ensure they’re following the ESG principles and integrate those results into our research and monitoring process. Focusing on sustainability and good governance meets the high expectations of investors, customers, and employees—which can help a company's long-term success.

For our part, we’re committed to advancing ESG in the space.