Wellbeing, a pillar of satisfaction in the workplace

3 min.
The 2023 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey reveals the relevance (and benefits) of workplace wellness measures.

Published on December 14, 2023

This is one of the key findings of the 2023 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey1, in which plan sponsors and plan members express their views on workplace measures to promote wellness.

In this article, we present the results of this wide-ranging survey, along with ideas for reflection and action.

Promoting wellbeing, a source of satisfaction

A culture promoting wellbeing is viewed positively by the majority of group plan members: 77% say their organization promotes health and wellness. Plan members are even more positive when their plan offers virtual healthcare services, responds to their personal needs or when they understand what is covered by their plan.

Organizational culture is an important driver of health and wellbeing, the survey reveals: 85% of plan sponsors say their organization promotes health and wellness. Mental health initiatives, such as assistance programs, top the list of wellness programs offered by plan sponsors. However, additional efforts to promote good sleep habits are desired.

All this pays off, with plan members generally satisfied (83%) at work. A culture promoting wellbeing and a group healthcare plan that meets their personal needs are key factors in this satisfaction.

Training is always relevant

Mental health training for managers and staff is offered by more than half of plan sponsors: 55% offer programs to recognize and respond appropriately to symptoms of depression or other mental illnesses. The likelihood of such training is higher in organizations with 500 or more employees.

Important differences in benefits offered

The benefits offered in terms of mental health coverage vary widely between plan sponsors, with around 12% offering no coverage at all for mental health counselling.

Annual maximum coverages also vary, with some plan sponsors offering up to $5,000 in maximum coverage while others have no idea what their maximum coverage is.

Increasing the amount of maximum coverage and broadening the list of eligible mental health professionals would increase the range of services covered and speed up the intake of people requiring support. This would benefit both organizations and their staff.

Musculoskeletal health: an issue on which to act

Plan sponsors believe that organizations should focus more on prevention than just the treatment of illness and injury.

Musculoskeletal health is therefore a new priority for plan sponsors wishing to promote wellness. However, a paradox exists: although 72% of plan sponsors feel that their work environment is conducive to musculoskeletal health, 65% of plan members say that their workplace causes them pain.

Teleworking: another variable in the equation

Teleworking complicates matters when it comes to workplace wellness culture.

Although 46% of plan members work from home or telework, two out of three plan sponsors feel that it has become more difficult to influence workplace culture to encourage wellness and mental health.

In short, fostering wellness in the workplace relies on a documented strategy, support from senior management, dedicated staff and constant evaluation of the measures put in place.

Additional efforts can also be made to promote good sleep habits, offer musculoskeletal health wellness programs and invest in areas of wellness other than mental health to spread the total investment in wellness more equitably.

1The plan member survey was fielded by Ipsos on behalf of the Contex Group using an online (Internet survey) methodology between March 28 and April 4, 2023. In total, a national sample of 1,004 primary holders of group health benefits plans completed the study. For all the details, visit the Benefits Canada website.