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iA Financial Group announces annual meeting voting results


News Release

Jacques Martin, Chair of the Board of iA Financial Group, is pleased to announce that the nominees listed in the proxy solicitation circular dated March 12, 2024 (“Circular”), were elected as directors of iA Financial Corporation Inc. (“iA Financial Corporation”) and the nominees listed in the Information Document for Participating Policyholders dated March 12, 2024 (“Information Document”) were elected as directors of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. (“iA Insurance”).

New Audit Committee Chair
iA Financial Group announces the appointment of a new Audit Committee Chair. Danielle G. Morin, who served as Chair of the Audit Committee for five years and who has informed us of her intention not to stand for re-election to the Board this year, completed her term of office as a director on 9 May 2024, Ms. Ginette Maillé succeeds Ms. Morin as Chair of the Audit Committee. Ms. Maillé is a chartered professional accountant with over 30 years’ financial experience.

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