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iA Financial Group will hold its Annual Meetings on May 9 and has made available its Annual Report and the meeting documentation


News Release

iA Financial Group today announces that the Annual Shareholder Meeting of iA Financial Corporation Inc. (“iA Financial Corporation”) and the Annual Meeting of the Sole Common Shareholder and of the Participating Policyholders of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. (“iA Insurance”) will be held together on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) and will be held virtually.

The meeting will be broadcast online via live webcast at: (password: iA2024). For detailed instructions on how to join the webcast and vote at the virtual meeting, shareholders should refer to the Proxy Circular (the “Circular”) relating to the annual meeting of iA Financial Corporation and participating policyholders should consult the information document for participating policyholders (the “Information Document”) relating to the annual meeting of iA Insurance as well as their proxy form or voting instruction form.

Registered shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders will be able to participate in the meeting, ask questions and exercise their voting rights, all in real time, provided they are connected to the Internet and comply with all the provisions set out in the Circular and in the rules of conduct applicable to the virtual meeting. Beneficial owners not duly appointed as proxyholders will be entitled to attend the meeting as guests but will not be entitled to vote at the meeting.

Participating policyholders who wish to exercise their right to vote by proxy before the meeting must obtain a proxy form by communicating by email with the corporate secretariat of iA Financial Group at Participating policyholders who wish to participate in the meeting and vote at the meeting must also contact the corporate secretariat of iA Financial Group at to obtain a control number allowing them to log on to the meeting via the link mentioned above and vote at the meeting.

We strongly encourage shareholders and participating policyholders to vote before the meeting using any of the methods listed on their proxy form or voting instruction form. In order for a proxy to be voted at the Annual Meetings, the completed proxy form must be received by Computershare Investor Services Inc. no later than 5:00 p.m. (local time) on May 7, 2024.

If you are a shareholder and require assistance with voting your common shares, please contact our proxy solicitation agent, Laurel Hill Advisory Group, by telephone at 1-877-452-7184 (toll-free from North America), 1-416-304-0211 (from outside North America), or by email at

Annual Report and documents relating to the Annual Meetings are available online
The 2023 Annual Report, Circular, rules of conduct applicable to the virtual meeting and Information Document are now available online at ( The Annual Report and the Circular are also available at The shareholders of iA Financial Corporation will receive the documents relating to the Annual Meeting in the coming days.

The Annual Report includes the Annual Management’s Discussion and Analysis, the 2023 and 2022 consolidated financial statements and various other information about iA Financial Group.

The Circular presents, among other things, information relating to the exercise of voting rights at the Annual Meeting of iA Financial Corporation and information on the Board of Directors, governance practices and executive compensation.

The rules of conduct are intended to ensure the proper conduct of the annual meeting and describe, among other things, how a shareholder may intervene and ask questions during the meeting.

The Information Document presents, among other things, information relating to the exercise of voting rights at the Annual Meeting of iA Insurance and information on the Board of Directors, governance practices and Board compensation.

It is to be noted that fifteen candidates are nominated this year for election to the Board of Directors of iA Financial Corporation Inc. and thirteen candidates are nominated for election to the Board of Directors of iA Insurance. All nominees are presented in the Circular or in the Information Document.

If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding the Annual Meetings, please contact Computershare at 1-800-564-6253 (toll-free from Canada and USA) or 1-514-982-7555 (from other countries).