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Workplace mental health: iA Financial Group donates $150,000 to support research


News Release

iA Financial Group is pleased to announce a $150,000 donation to Mental Health Research Canada. The donation was presented to the organization yesterday on World Mental Health Day. The financial support will be used to fund student internships for research into workplace mental health.

“We are pleased to actively support the next generation of researchers tackling the issues of workplace mental health, a cause that is near and dear to our hearts,” said Denis Ricard, iA Financial Group President and Chief Executive Officer.

The company has long been proactive in the mental health area and has created a network of mental health ambassadors. The company-wide network consists of 180 employees who have received training to assist coworkers experiencing mental health issues. Their role is similar to that of first aid responders, who can provide first aid and perform CPR. The ambassadors have been trained to act quickly and ensure coworkers are safe until specialists can take over.

iA's mental health ambassadors are dedicated to the mental well-being and equilibrium of their work teams and coworkers. They answer questions about iA’s health programs and resources, listen without judgment, give coworkers guidance to find support and professional help, and encourage them to take the next steps. Their caring presence contributes significantly to creating a healthy work environment where people feel listened to and supported.

Over the past two years, iA Financial Group has also donated $1.3 million to mental health organizations.