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iA Clarington Investments launches global risk-managed income mandate and two new SRI portfolios


News Release

January 20, 2022 /CNW/ - IA Clarington Investments Inc. (“iA Clarington” or “the Firm”) today announced the launch of three new portfolio solutions:

  • IA Clarington Global Risk-Managed Income Portfolio, managed by iA Investment Management Inc. (iAIM)
  • IA Clarington Inhance Conservative SRI Portfolio & IA Clarington Inhance High Growth SRI Portfolio, managed by Vancity Investment Management Ltd. (VCIM) and iAIM

“iA Clarington is committed to meeting the needs of Canadian investors by partnering with a select group of industry-leading portfolio management teams. Today’s launch carries this vision forward with three outcome-oriented, all-in-one solutions designed specifically for income-seeking investors and those who wish to align their portfolios with progressive social and environmental values,” said Adam Elliott, President & CEO, iA Clarington.

IA Clarington Global Risk-Managed Income Portfolio
Built for investors seeking consistent monthly cash flow, the IA Clarington Global Risk-Managed Income Portfolio is a broadly diversified, actively managed fund of funds that brings institutional-calibre asset allocation and risk management to the portfolios of Canadian retail investors.

Key features:

  • Targets a monthly distribution of 5% for Series F and 4% for Series A (annualized).
  • Provides enhanced income potential by investing in high-yield bonds, senior loans and other non-traditional asset classes.
  • Maintains a 40–60% equity allocation to help ensure the longevity of retirement assets in an environment of rising inflation and longer lifespans.
  • Employs a systematic, comprehensive approach to risk management, including an options overlay that aims to reduce equity volatility.

The fund is managed by the iAIM Asset Allocation Team. Co-lead portfolio managers Tej Rai, Senior Vice-President, Asset Allocation and Sébastien Mc Mahon, Senior Portfolio Manager, Diversified Funds & Interim Chief Economist, employ an innovative “human + machine” approach that combines the complementary strengths of expert human judgment and technology-driven quantitative analysis.

“This new mandate leverages highly sophisticated investment methods that are normally available only to institutions such as pension funds, endowments, and sovereign wealth funds, enabling us to make asset allocation decisions that optimize the potential for consistent income while enhancing the portfolio’s defences against market downturns,” said Tej Rai, Senior Vice-President, Asset Allocation, iAIM.

Visit to learn more about the IA Clarington Global Risk-Managed Income Portfolio.

IA Clarington Inhance SRI Portfolios
Driven by VCIM’s integrated, disciplined approach to security selection, the IA Clarington Inhance Conservative SRI Portfolio and IA Clarington Inhance High Growth SRI Portfolio complete the Firm’s five-mandate suite of all-in-one socially responsible investing solutions.

Each Inhance SRI Portfolio targets the optimal balance of return and risk for a specific investor type:

  • IA Clarington Inhance Conservative SRI Portfolio – 25% equity/75% fixed income
  • IA Clarington Inhance Moderate SRI Portfolio – 35% equity/65% fixed income
  • IA Clarington Inhance Balanced SRI Portfolio – 55% equity/45% fixed income
  • IA Clarington Inhance Growth SRI Portfolio – 65% equity/35% fixed income
  • IA Clarington Inhance High Growth SRI Portfolio – 80% equity/20% fixed income

In addition to the two new mandates, responsibility for top-down asset allocation for all five Portfolios will now be undertaken by the iAIM Asset Allocation Team, led by Tej Rai, Senior Vice-President, Asset Allocation and Sébastien Mc Mahon, Senior Portfolio Manager, Diversified Funds & Interim Chief Economist.

“VCIM’s multifaceted approach to security selection combines rigorous environmental, social and corporate governance screening with fundamental financial analysis and a robust program of shareholder engagement. This fully integrated process, along with iAIM’s proven asset allocation capabilities, ensures the Portfolios will continue to offer attractive return potential, strong risk management, and the unwavering commitment to progressive values that responsible investors expect and deserve,” said Jeffrey Adams, Director & Portfolio Manager, VCIM.

“VCIM has been a Canadian leader in responsible investing for over 25 years, and we are very excited to expand our partnership with two new mandates for conservative and growth-focused investors. We are equally excited that the Portfolios will now feature iAIM’s signature ‘human + machine’ approach, further differentiating the Inhance SRI Portfolios from other options available in the marketplace,” said Adam Elliott, President & CEO, iA Clarington.

Visit to learn more about the IA Clarington Inhance SRI Portfolios.

About IA Clarington Investments Inc.
A subsidiary of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. – Canada’s fourth-largest life and health insurance company – iA Clarington offers a wide range of investment products, including actively managed mutual funds, managed portfolio solutions, Active ETF Series and socially responsible investments. As of December 31, 2021, iA Clarington has $19.3 billion in assets under management.

Visit for more information.

About iA Investment Management Inc.
Industrial Alliance Investment Management Inc. (iA Investment Management) operates as a subsidiary of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. It was founded in 2004 and is based in Quebec. With over 100 investment professionals, iA Investment Management manages general portfolios, segregated funds and mutual funds for the Industrial Alliance group. As of June 30, 2021, iA Investment Management has over $105 billion in assets under management.

About Vancity Investment Management Ltd.
Vancity Investment Management is a rapidly growing leader in responsible investing in Canada. The firm offers individual, institutional and mutual fund clients an integrated investment process that utilizes shareholder engagement and incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) analysis and traditional financial analysis in the construction and management of investment portfolios. For more information, please visit

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, brokerage fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments, including investments in exchange-traded series of mutual funds. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. The iA Clarington Funds are managed by IA Clarington Investments Inc. iA Clarington and the iA Clarington logo, and iA Wealth and the iA Wealth logo, are trademarks of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. and are used under license. The payment of distributions and distribution breakdown, if applicable, is not guaranteed and may fluctuate. The payment of distributions should not be confused with a Fund's performance, rate of return, or yield. If distributions paid by the Fund are greater than the performance of the Fund, then an investor’s original investment will shrink. Distributions paid as a result of capital gains realized by a Fund and income and dividends earned by a Fund are taxable in the year they are paid. An investor’s adjusted cost base will be reduced by the amount of any returns of capital. If an investor’s adjusted cost base goes below zero, then capital gains tax will have to be paid on the amount below zero.

For further information: Rob Martin, VP, Marketing & Communications, iA Clarington Investments,, T: 416-860-9880 ext. 8070