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Accident insurance for all your family members

Why choose Accifamily?

  • Protects your family 24/7/365 in the event of an accident
  • Provides a benefit payment in the event of death, dismemberment, loss of use and accidental fracture
  • Complements the insurance provided by your employer and/or public plans and covers unexpected accident-related expenses
  • It’s quick and easy to enrol, with no questionnaire or medical exam (You and your family members (aged 15 days to 75 years old) are automatically eligible for Accifamily if residing permanently in Canada)


Accifamily insures all family members. Children, parents and grandparents can all access this simple, affordable accident insurance!


Whether you’re approaching retirement or already enjoying your golden years, Accifamily is available to everyone age 75 and under. With Accifamily, enjoy peace of mind 24/7, wherever you are in the world!

Graduates and young workers

Ready to move into your first apartment? Congratulations! Accifamily covers you as long as the applicant is of legal age. Avoid unexpected accident-related expenses with Accifamily!

Protections adapted to your needs

Isabella, age 34

  • Wind turbine installation technician
  • Single, lives in an apartment

Because she works in a high-risk sector, Isabella is looking for protection that would help cover medical expenses in the event of an accident. She would then be able to concentrate on her healing and recovery, while preserving her standard of living.

The solution

$ 20 / year

Accifamily – BASIC coverage

Charles, age 49
Kathy, age 46

  • Industrial mechanic and human resources manager
  • Owners of a bigenerational home

Charles and Kathy are an active couple who love outdoor sports. They decided to take out accident insurance to protect themselves in the event of an accident. As a couple, they opted for combined coverage, which helped them get an even better rate.

The solution

$ 90 / 2 years

Accifamily – BASIC coverage

Simon, age 42
Yolanda, age 39
Evens, age 12
Dara, age 14

  • Programmer and pharmacy technician
  • Parents of two children under 18 years old

Everyone in this family of two adults and two children loves to play sports. They chose combined coverage to protect the whole family in the event of an accident at one very affordable rate.

The solution

$ 142 / year

Accifamily – MACCIMUM coverage

Disclaimer note: The cases presented on this webpage are fictional and the information shown is for illustrative purposes only. Projections are based on the 2024 accident insurance calculator.


Any person between 15 days and 75 years old whose permanent residence is in Canada during the coverage period and whose name appears on the application form sent to the iA Financial Group head office, is eligible to be insured. However, the applicant must be of legal age in his/her province of residence. Any children born during the contract coverage period will be insured free of charge from their 15th day of life until the end of the coverage period.

The contract takes effect retroactively on the latest of the following dates: the date the application was received at the iA Financial Group head office, the date the applicant took out a policy over the phone, or the date of the premium payment specified by the applicant, as long as the total premium is paid within 15 days of the application.

Each insured whose name appears in the contract is covered beginning on the date that the premium for this insured is paid, and until the expiry date of the period chosen by the applicant.

The insured is covered 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world.

Accidental Death
  BASIC option MACCIMUM Option
School vehicle or public transportation $15,000 $60,000
Other circumstances (25 years or over) $10,000 $40,000
Other circumstances (under 25 years) $5,000 $20,000
Natural Death (children and students only)
  BASIC option MACCIMUM Option
Children from 15 days to 17 years of age and students under 25 years of age $2,500 $10,000
Dismemberment or Loss of Use following an accident
  BASIC option MACCIMUM Option
Of two limbs, or one limb and sight in one eye or both eyes $50,000 $200,000
Of hearing in both ears and loss of speech $50,000 $200,000
Of hearing in both ears or loss of speech $25,000 $100,000
Of one limb or sight in one eye $12,500 $50,000
Of hearing in one ear $3,000 $12,000
Of finger or toe (completely severed) $1,000 $4,000
Maximum Amount Payable Under This Clause $50,000 $200,000
Accidental Fracture
  BASIC option MACCIMUM Option
Of the skull, with depressed skull; spine, with displaced vertebrae; pelvis $250 $1,000
A bone not listed above $50 $200
Total Disability Following an Accident (students only)
  Up to
Reorientation costs $3,000
Remedial classes ($10/hour) $1,000
Disability benefit ($200/month) $5,000
Hospital and Paramedical Costs Following an Accident
  Up to
Purchase of a prosthetic device (artificial limb) $3,000
Initial purchase of a hearing aid $500
Private or semi-private room $55/day
Medication and nursing care Included
Rental (or purchase) of crutches, orthopedic devices or a wheelchair Included
Treatment by a physiotherapist, chiropractor, occupational therapist, podiatrist, osteopath, audiologist, or speech therapist ($15/visit) $180
Emergency transportation expenses $1000
Room and board for person accompanying the insured ($100/day) $500
Repair or replacement of glasses or damaged contact lenses $100
Maximum Per Accident $25,000
Emergency Care or Services Outside the Province of Residence following an Accident
  Up to
Services provided by a physician, hospital care and transportation by ambulance following an accident $5,000
Dental Fees
  Up to
Per damaged tooth $300
Dental prosthesis (replacement or repair) $250
Hospitalization Allowance
  Up to
Lump-sum payment (payable starting on the first night, $25/night) $1,000
Convalescence Allowance (18 years of age and over)
  Up to
Day surgery $50
Each night spent in hospital ($50/night) $500
Childcare Fees (children under 18 years of age)
  Up to
Injured insured child or other children of the parent or legal guardian ($10/hour) $100
Transportation Expenses (students only)
  Up to
Return transportation expenses between home and the educational institution ($10/day) $100

This page summarizes the benefits of the Accifamily plan, which is an individual insurance. These guarantees come with certain specific restrictions and exclusions. The issued contract is the only official document binding the parties.

  1. The death of an insured resulting from suicide. However, if the death of an insured eligible for the natural death benefit results from suicide and the insurance has been in force with the Company for two continuous years without interruption, an amount equal to this benefit is payable. In such a case, any increase in the face amount resulting from the purchase of the MACCIMUM option is subject to an exclusion period of two continuous years of insurance.
  2. Natural death resulting from an illness for which the insured had consulted a physician or received medical treatment during the 12 months preceding the effective date of this contract unless, in these previous 12 months, the insured was covered by a similar accident insurance contract issued by the Company. In this case, the payable benefit is the lower amount of the benefit under this contract and the benefit under the similar contract.
  3. Death, losses, fractures, disability, or costs arising from one of the following circumstances:
    • attempted suicide, voluntary dismemberment or any self-inflicted injury, whether or not the insured was conscious of his/her actions;
    • gas inhalation, poisoning, voluntary absorption of medications or drugs unless taken as prescribed by a physician;
    • the insured was under the influence of drugs or had a blood alcohol level exceeding 80 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood;
    • the insured was driving a motor vehicle and the concentration of alcohol in his/her blood exceeded the limits prescribed by law;
    • the insured was driving a motor vehicle over the legal speed limit or without the valid licence, certificate or proof of competency required by law;
    • a criminal act that the insured committed, was preparing to commit or attempted to commit, or resulting from provoking or participating in a riot or a demonstration against public order, a military operation, an act of terrorism or a war, whether war be declared or not;
    • flight or attempted flight on board of a plane or other aircraft if the insured is part of the crew or performs any function related to the flight;
    • participating in acrobatics or sporting activities for which the insured is paid, racing motor vehicles, playing contact football as a member of a team in a competitive league at college or university level or if he/she is paid for this activity, scuba diving, parachuting, competitive downhill skiing, hang gliding, mountain climbing or bungee jumping.
  4. Care or treatment provided by a member of the insured’s immediate family (except for transportation expenses).
  5. Orthopedic devices used solely for the purposes of practicing sports activities.
  6. Costs incurred for magnetic resonance imaging tests, computed tomography (CT scans), X-rays and costs incurred at a private clinic.
  7. For insureds aged 65 or more at the time of the accident, benefits in the event of accidental death, dismemberment, loss of use or accidental fracture correspond to 50% of indicated amounts.
  8. When an insured is covered by several accident insurance policies issued by the Company, he/she will only receive the benefits payable under the most advantageous plan for the applicant. The Company reimburses the premiums paid for the other policies for this insured for the previous year only.

Coordination of benefits for dental, hospital, paramedical and emergency care expenses

The insured must always submit claims for reimbursement first to other plans (public, private or group insurance plans) before filing a claim under this policy. The Company’s responsibility is limited to the portion of costs not reimbursed by these other plans.

As for public plans, the Company’s responsibility is limited to the portion of costs that exceeds the costs reimbursable by these public plans, whether or not they are reimbursed.

Calculate for yourself

Insure four or more people under the same policy and get a 10% discount.