

Distinctive services

We are committed to offering you and your plan members personalized services and specialized resources. We provide a variety of innovative online tools designed to make it simple and efficient to manage your plan. We also offer to your plan members a user-friendly online tool for easy access to group insurance files.

An advisor can help you to determine your group insurance needs.

Contact us

Plan Member Services

My Client Space

Online services making life easy.

Online services making life easy.

With My Client Space, plan members can:

  • Submit an e-claim at any time
  • View their summary of plan benefits and booklet online
  • Check the status of recent claims
  • Obtain a report of all submitted and paid claims for income tax purposes
  • Access WebRx, an online tool that lets them to check their drug plan coverage, locate pharmacies and compare their drug prices*, estimate reimbursement amounts and get personalized tips on how to save on drug costs
  • Find out when they will be eligible for the reimbursement of their next dental exam or vision care expenses
  • Enrol for direct deposit and notification service
  • Access personalized forms
  • View and print their group benefit card

* All WebRx users outside the province of Quebec are able to see the price of the drug they are searching for at each pharmacy found. In Quebec, WebRx does not provide prices per pharmacy. Instead, it provides an average provincial price for each drug found.

Note: To access WebRx, you must have drug coverage with Industrial Alliance and have a pay direct or deferred drug card.


iA Mobile

A group insurance plan in the palm of your hand.

A group insurance plan in the palm of your hand.

iA Mobile is a mobile app that allow plan members to:

  • Submit e-claims safely
  • Follow claims processing
  • Check drug benefits, estimate reimbursement amounts and get personalized savings tips with WebRx
  • Use your mobile device as a group benefit card
  • Enrol for direct deposit

Download iA Mobile

Group Benefit Card

For hassle-free reimbursements.

For hassle-free reimbursements.

The group benefit card is a service to submit a claim that eliminates the hassle of completing and mailing forms and the problem of forgetting and losing invoices. Upon presentation of your card, healthcare professionals who accept it can submit your claim directly at time of payment.

Two ways to be reimbursed for medication

With Deferred Payment, the plan member pays the total cost of the prescription to the pharmacist and later receives the reimbursement according to the plan coverage. With Direct Payment, the plan member pays the pharmacist only the deductible and the portion of the amount not covered by the plan. To receive reimbursements via direct deposit, plan members can sign up in My Client Space.

Express Claims Processing

Immediate claims submission.

Immediate claims submission.

Many healthcare professionals can submit plan member’s claims directly from their office. Simply present the group benefit card and the work is done.

List of healthcare professionals

  • Acupuncturists
  • Chiropractors
  • Massage therapists
  • Naturopaths*
  • Vision care providers
  • Physical rehabilitation therapists*
  • Physiotherapists
  • Podiatrists or chiropodists*
  • Psychologists*

*Certain provinces only

Customer Service

Representatives standing by to listen and help.

Representatives standing by to listen and help.

Our qualified and courteous advisors are here to:

  • respond quickly to plan member requests
  • provide them with truthful and accurate information
  • properly guide them with respect to our tools and services

To see our business hours, go to the Contact us page.

Health and Wellness

Discover our Well-BalancedTM offer

Discover our Well-BalancedTM offer

Well-Balanced: an innovative health and wellness offer

We all agree that if an employee is happy and healthy, the employer benefits as well. Thus, focusing on employee health and wellness is not an expense, but an investment!

iA Financial Group understands this and offers you Well-Balanced, a flexible and relevant health and wellness service offer to help you meet the needs of your organization and have a real impact on your employees.

Through our association with health and wellness experts and consultations with numerous companies we have built a turnkey solution to effectively manage your employees’ health and wellness issues so that everyone can strike a healthy balance in their lives.

Discover Well-Balanced

Travel Assistance

For medical assistance wherever you are.

For medical assistance wherever you are.

Your plan members can travel worry-free thanks to this service that supports them whenever they are travelling outside of their province of residence. In an emergency situation, your plan members will have access to many benefits, including:

  • A network of specialists that will direct them to an appropriate doctor or hospital
  • Paid emergency transportation to the hospital
  • Repatriation of the plan member to the member's home or a nearby hospital following initial treatment
  • Payment of their medical expenses and a cash advance
  • Repatriation of the member’s children or a member of the immediate family.

Travel assistance also provides a multilingual translation service as well as retrieval assistance for lost luggage or documents.


To convert group insurance coverage to an individual health insurance plan.

Termination of employment can occur anytime for different reasons: career change, relocation, return to school, retirement, etc. But insurance needs will always be there.

To support plan members during their transition, iA offers Transit, so they can replace their group insurance coverage within 60 days of termination with an individual insurance plan, without any medical examination.

Transit will provide coverage for plan members and their dependents, letting them start a new chapter in life with peace of mind.

To find out more, consult the Forms and guides section, under Conversion.


Inclusive Coverages

Today's employees expect their organization to support them fully in their multiple and diverse needs.

Having an organizational culture focused on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) has thus become a must, with numerous benefits for all. In fact, organizations that have succeeded in deploying EDI strategies and initiatives that meet the needs of their workforce are winners on all fronts.

iA offers inclusive coverage options to make certain drugs, care and treatments more accessible to plan members and their dependents.

Discover the inclusive coverages

Administrator Services

My Client Space for Administrators

A secure site to make your work easier.

A secure site to make your work easier.

Specially designed to facilitate day-to-day group plan management, My Client Space allows you to manage your plan online.

In My Client Space, you can:

  • Enrol new plan members and their dependents
  • Edit plan member files
  • Perform many salary changes at once
  • Access your invoices, booklets, contracts, reports, useful forms and guides
  • View Infobulletins and communiqués
  • Print and order plan member group benefit cards

Drug Management

Discover our PharmAssist program

Discover our PharmAssist program

PharmAssist, iA Financial Group’s one stop shop for drug management, fosters the financial health and sustainability of drug insurance plans while promoting long-lasting physical and mental health for plan members. 

Learn more about :

  • Our philosophy
  • Our offer
  • Our support services
  • Our technological tools
Recent market data will also help you fully understand the importance of closely managing drug costs.

Discover PharmAssist

Health and Wellness

Discover our Well-BalancedTM offer

Discover our Well-BalancedTM offer

Well-Balanced: an innovative health and wellness offer

We all agree that if an employee is happy and healthy, the employer benefits as well. Thus, focusing on employee health and wellness is not an expense, but an investment!

iA Financial Group understands this and offers you Well-Balanced, a flexible and relevant health and wellness service offer to help you meet the needs of your organization and have a real impact on your employees.

Through our association with health and wellness experts and consultations with numerous companies we have built a turnkey solution to effectively manage your employees’ health and wellness issues so that everyone can strike a healthy balance in their lives.

Discover Well-Balanced

Inclusive Coverages

Today's employees expect their organization to support them fully in their multiple and diverse needs.

Having an organizational culture focused on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) has thus become a must, with numerous benefits for all. In fact, organizations that have succeeded in deploying EDI strategies and initiatives that meet the needs of their workforce are winners on all fronts.

iA offers inclusive coverage options to make certain drugs, care and treatments more accessible to plan members and their dependents.

Discover the inclusive coverages

Optimal Customer Experience

To provide you with the best service. Period.

To provide you with the best service. Period.

When it comes to group benefits, we want you to think of us as the very best service provider. That’s why we’re committed to continuous improvement and regularly evaluate our customers’ satisfaction in all aspects of our service.

Our team is dedicated to providing you with quick, professional and personalized service. Furthermore, we make it a priority to offer you all the support you need to manage your plan from the very day it is implemented.

We guarantee:

  • Peace of mind
  • A hassle-free transition when changing insurers
  • A quick and flexible implementation process


Up-to-date information about group plans.

Up-to-date information about group plans.

Our communiqués keep you on top of the latest developments in group plan management, legislative changes and insurance market trends.

Fraud Prevention

Effective measures to fight against claims fraud.

Effective measures to fight against claims fraud.

iA Financial Group employs industry best practices to prevent fraud and effectively process claims, thanks especially to our partnership with the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA). Our company is a member of this organization where Canada’s Life and Health insurers work hard to reduce healthcare fraud. Our investigative services detect problematic cases, which helps to significantly reduce negative impacts on the cost of group plans.

Multinational Pooling

Service that suits multinational needs.

Service that suits multinational needs.

As a partner of the Zurich Employee Benefit Network, we can offer large companies with local subsidiaries and/or divisions in various countries the benefits of multinational pooling. Life insurance and disability insurance are the coverage most often included in this pool for underwriting purposes.


  • Cost savings on benefit plans while retaining the same benefits levels
  • International dividends, in the event of a surplus generated by the pool
  • Greater control over benefit plans, thanks to regular financial reports detailing overall plan costs

Automated data exchange

Discover our xConnect solution.

Discover our xConnect solution.

xConnect is a way to automatically exchange different types of data between your human resource information system or payroll system and iA Financial Group’s systems.

By minimizing manual entry and the risk of error, xConnect can reduce the delay in updating administrative systems, particularly for changes related to insurance coverage and dependent management.

Discover xConnect

An innovative communications program

To promote the group insurance plan and educate plan members on the importance of better using it.

To promote the group insurance plan and educate plan members on the importance of better using it.

Your group insurance plan is a key asset to help you recruit and retain the best employees.

However, are you certain that your current and future employees are aware of all the benefits of their plan and know the impact of certain sub-optimal behaviours or choices?

We can help you take on the challenge presented by communication and awareness

Roadmap – Choose your course. Enjoy the ride.TM helps employers take on the challenge presented by communication and awareness. Built on catchy visual concepts aimed at making your employees aware of the risks of doing nothing, Roadmap proposes an innovative group pension plan marketing approach.

We work with you. Using the strategies and tools of the Roadmap program, we are able to support your employees throughout their journey to retirement thanks to:

  1. A communications approach that emphasizes engagement
  2. Support adapted to your company’s reality
  3. Attractive communication tools designed for various communication channels

Portrait of the situation • Strategy deployment • Results assessment

Forms and useful documents

All the documents you need just a click away.

All the documents you need just a click away.

The forms and useful documents you need to manage your plan, all in one place.