Taking the time to look after yourself

4 min.
Because mental health is important to us, we're sharing a simple approach to understanding and strengthening the key pillars of your mental wellbeing.

Because mental health is important to us, we’re sharing a simple approach to understanding and strengthening the key pillars of your mental wellbeing.

The statistics are striking: one in three people in Canada1 will have their mental wellbeing put to the test during their lifetime. And the impacts can affect us both directly and indirectly, for example when someone close to us is struggling with mental health issues.

This underscores the importance of taking care of our mental health and of taking the time to recognize and understand the factors that support our mental wellbeing.

To guide you in this process, we invite you to take a look at our simple and enjoyable guide to the key pillars of mental health:

  • Stress management
  • Work-life balance
  • Physical activity
  • Sleep
  • Nutrition

By exploring the various facets of mental health, you'll learn how to look after your own.

Managing stress

Stress is omnipresent and not necessarily bad. However, prolonged stress can have harmful effects on your health, so it's important to take steps to manage it.

Balancing personal and work life

Striking a balance between these two areas of your life is not about dividing your time equally between work and home; it’s about being happy with the place each occupies in your life.

Healthy living

Moving, sleeping and eating: these three elements directly affect your physical and mental health. In fact, physical activity, improved sleep quality and a balanced diet have a major impact on your state of mind. So embracing healthy lifestyle habits can improve your overall wellbeing.

Answer the question "How are you?" honestly, and take the time to look after yourself.

It can pay off.

We support employees at each step of their total wellbeing journey through advice and resources that best fit their needs.

1How to recognize signs of distress at home and at work