Cookie Notice

We undertake to reassess our practices continuously to keep them up to date and respect the highest standards for management and protection of your personal information. This notice describes how we use cookie files when you visit our websites cookies) when you visit our websites, including the apps. This notice completes our Privacy Notice and reflects our latest updates.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a file that is saved on your browser or mobile device when you visit a website or an app. Cookies are mainly used to ensure the functionality of our websites, facilitate your browsing and optimize your user experience.. Cookies allow memorization of information that concerns you, such as your preferences or the actions you took when visiting our websites. They may also have the purpose of recognizing you when you visit a website again.. In particular, this allows us to present you with personalized content on our websites or via social media platforms.

They may remain stored on your computer as long as they are not deleted. You may edit your preferences and limit certain types of cookies at any time. Your browsing experience and the services we can offer you may be affected.

What types of information may a cookie file collect?

This is information regarding your use of our websites, your preferences or your device. In general, this information does not allow you to be identified directly, but it may include personal information if you provide it in the course of your interactions with the website. Here are some examples:

The information collected will vary depending on the cookies you accepted.

What types of cookies do we use and why?

Essential cookies :

These cookies are essential to support the functionality and security of our websites. For example, they allow you to secure your connection, personalize your interface (e.g. choice of language) and store your preferences for use of cookie files. They are mandatory and you cannot disable them.

Performance Cookies :

This type of cookie helps us understand how you use our websites and helps us improve their functionality. For example, performance cookies will inform us about the number of visits made, the website by which you arrived, the pages you visited or whether you quickly found the information you were looking for. They are optional and you must consent to their installation.

We use tracking tools managed by third parties to improve the performance and functionality of our websites. Here are the third-party tracking tools we use.

Heap Analytics

Heap Analytics is a website analytics service provided by Heap Inc. Heap uses the data collected to track and analyze the use of our website and prepare reports on its activities. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information:;

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a website analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses the data collected to track and analyze the use of our website, prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services. Google can use the data collected to define the context and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information::

We also use Heat Mapping tools to display the parts of a page where you moved or mouse-clicked the most frequently and to identify the location of your points of interest. This type of tool allows us to control and analyze traffic and understand your behaviour as a visitor. Here is the Heat Mapping tool we use.


Mouseflow is a Heat Mapping service provided by Mouseflow ApS and Mouseflow Inc. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information:

We also use tools that allow the display of content from external platforms. These tools allow us to view the content hosted on external platforms directly from our websites and interact with them. They can help us recognize you. Here are the tools allowing the display of content from external platforms we use.

Google Maps API

Google Maps is a map viewing service provided by Google Inc. that allows our website to incorporate this type of content into its pages and apps. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information:;

Application YouTube Video

YouTube is a video content viewing service provided by Google Inc. that allows our website to incorporate this type of content into its pages. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information:

Advertising Cookies:

Advertising cookies allow us to understand your profile and your interests, optimize the ways we reach you and promote advertising, all based on your user history. These cookies also let us measure the performance of our advertising campaigns. If we offer you adapted content on third-party websites, such as social media, we might have to share information, such as an encrypted email address or a device ID. Note that if you refuse these cookies, you may still be exposed to our content and ads, but they will be less relevant or adapted to your interests. Here are the remarketing and behavioural targeting tools we offer.

Ads conversion and audience tracking

Google AdWords conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Google Inc., which links Google AdWords advertising network data with the activities performed on our website. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information:;

Google Ads Remarketing

AdWords Remarketing is a remarketing and behavioural targeting service provided by Google Inc., establishing the link between the activity of our website with the AdWords advertising network and the Doubleclick connection cookie. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information:;

Remarketing avec Google Analytics pour l’affichage Display

Remarketing with Google Analytics for Display is a remarketing and behavioural targeting service provided by Google Inc., establishing the link between the referencing activities performed by Google Analytics and its connection cookies using the AdWords advertising network and the Doubleclick connection cookie. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information:;

Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel is a remarketing and behavioural targeting service provided by Meta Platforms Inc. establishing the link between the activity of our website and the Meta advertising network. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information:;

LinkedIn Insight

LinkedIn Insight is a remarketing and behavioural targeting service provided by LinkedIn Corporation establishing the link between the activity of our website and the LinkedIn advertising network. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information:;

Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft Advertising is a remarketing and behavioural targeting service provided by Microsoft Corporation establishing the link between the activity of our website and the Microsoft advertising network. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information:;

The Trade Desk

The Trade Desk is a remarketing and behavioural targeting service provided by The Trade Desk inc. establishing the link between the activity of our website and The Trade Desk advertising network. We invite you to read their Privacy Policy at the following address for more information on the treatment of your personal information:

How do you edit your preferences or limit cookies?

At any time, you may review your choices in relation to the cookies that are not essential to the functionality and security of our websites (essential cookies). To review your choices, you may click the link named Cookie Management at the foot of the page of the site or app you visit. You may also delete the cookies from your device via your Web browser. We invite you to consult your browser’s user guide to learn more.

How long do we keep your cookie preferences?

We save your cookie preferences on a device for 3 months. Once this period expires, you will again see the banner explaining the use of cookie files and may repeat your choices. Some browsers automatically delete the cookie files. Our banner thus could be presented to you sooner. You could see the banner again if you personally delete the cookie files or if we make major changes to our websites.

If we update this Cookie Notice

We regularly update our practices to strengthen our personal information protection practices and respond to the constantly evolving laws, regulations and standards. We will inform you on this website of any material change to this notice.